月見の宴 2024
♪ Sound source audition
Haruyokoi Hayashi Composed by Harunatsu Akifuyu
From the collection of Japanese lyrical songs
arranged by Hikaru Hayashi
Arranged by Minao Shibata
Morning Ode composed by Toshi Ichiyanagi
Shukkemake Michio Mamiya Composition From the songs
伊藤芳博作詞 松宮圭太作曲
Ⅰ 故郷 Ⅱ 志野 Ⅲ 陶片 Ⅳ 織部 Ⅴ ここから
多治見ロータリークラブが願う「この歌が歌い継がれ、子ども達が郷土を愛する気持ちを育んでくれるように」という願いの具現に向け 第5曲の「ここから」は、現在、多治見市の時報としてカリヨンを鳴り響かせています。指導用CDレコーディングは収録を終え、現在制作中です。
Thank you to all helping us
Opera "Tenko" for Noh, pipe organ and chorus
Professor Kakinuma of composition
I think that the encounter with the teacher was prepared for this work to be born.
Nobu Sato of the lyrics
Mr. Nobuaki, who is a music director and has great trust in him, saved us from the predicament.
Noh performer Shimizu sensei
Thanks to the teacher, I was able to collaborate with Noh.
Organist Kensuke Ohira
The birth of the work We had you join us and supported the performance.
Mishoryu Tamako Iemoto of stage decoration Mr. Ko Tanimura
The autumn leaves of Kokeizan Eihoji Temple were displayed on both sides of the stage, and pine trees were displayed on the central balcony of the stage. The hall was like a Noh stage of Unryukaku.
I thought it was an art that Japan is proud of in the world.
I was just impressed.
It was a miracle stage.
I was curious about how Noh dance harmonizes with the children's singing voices.
I was surprised that a mysterious space was born.
It was a wonderful stage.
Everyone was impressed.
Supported by the passionate hearts of all the people involved in the concert, "Tenko" was born. Thank you very much.
Thank you to medical professionals all over the world
We were able to finish the concert safely in front of a full audience of Korona-ka, limited to 200 seats.
Great singing voice
Impressed by the dedication of the children
The heart has been transmitted
Performance that feels the height of the soul
Requiem couldn't stop crying
Words of praise for the performance lined up in the questionnaire,
Korona-ka, these concerts are significant
Reliable for sufficient corona measures
Excellent cooperation of related staff
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you for your support and success. Thank you very much.
We hope this work is loved
Michio Mamiya Composition for Chorus No. 5 Choju-Giga
It was a concert where TAJIMI CHOIR JAPAN settled down on mixed chorus works.
Nao Kato, who was in charge of directing this work, said in an interview with the music magazine HANNA as follows.
The other day, the performance of "Tajimi Boys and Girls Chorus and Senior Core" in Gifu was successfully completed.
I directed "Composition for Chorus No. 5 Choju-Giga" composed by Michio Mamiya. I feel "play", which is the source of Japanese entertainment, in the humorous picture scrolls played by monkeys, dogs, and rabbits, but Mamiya-san's songs almost reject words and stories and turn into screams and sounds. The words were also avant-garde, with fragments flying around.
Young people and girls in their 5s and 6s to 20s are confused about the performance, and the stage is narrow, not the theater, and they are afraid because they march around the audience seats and raise their voices. It was really interesting. The voice of a child breaks the boundary between concrete and abstract.
Words and stories are generally premised on meaning and understanding. But if you ask the meaning of music, you're a wild guy! You will be scolded. Understand, what do you understand?
Does it exist? Is there something invisible to the eye? What a line of entrustment to me.
Children play and sing with the "adults" desperately trying to understand and understand the avant-garde and absurdity. pleasant.
Nao Kato
Dropped out of the French Department of the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Sophia University . Participated in the founding of the theater company " Kurotent " and played an active part as a writer and director with a seat. After leaving the black tent, he started a wide range of activities such as opera, theater, musicals, concerts, and chorus. In addition to being involved in the training of artists in the field of education such as Tokyo University of the Arts, he has also served as an art hall producer nationwide. While performing long-running entertainment, he directs operas such as the New National Theatre, Nikikai, Nissay Theater, Tokyo Chamber Opera Theater, and Opera Theater Konnyakuza. His lifework is "experimental trials in theater" that he works with "non-Tokyo" artists and citizens in Okinawa and Matsumoto. Matsumoto Civic Arts Museum Theater Factory Factory Manager. Books Drama-America-Other operas-Hitomaru Chorus Opera Many.